The War of the Worlds (1898) by H.G.Wells H.G. Wells (1866-1946) The British natural scientist and author H.G Wells was born in a small english village in 1866. Though his parents weren't the richest in the Empire, Wells got a chance to study at the London University through a scholarship. At the end of the century he was outexamined. While Wells was studying, he was interested in writing fiction mixed with reality and science and after his graduation he started to write books. By using a catastroph scenery he tried to get people aware of the dangers in the near future. The most famous book in this cathegory was "The War of the Worlds". In the end of his presence, Wells wrote some literature that was critical against the society. He thought that the morale of the society was teared apart and that the goverment didn't do anything about it. He wrote that the countries of the world were too unconfident with each other for a long lasting peace. Wells was right. September 1st 1939 the second world war began. The War of the Worlds A bright summernight in the end of the 17th century the people estated around the town of Winchester see what they observe as a star falls. For a couple of weeks they have seen strange beams shooting out from planet Mars but the scientists says that the phenonima is just great vulcano eruptions. An astronom called Ogilvy has found out where the "asteroid" has fallen and decides to go there. At the arrival he discovers a cylinderformed object that has drilled itself into the ground. Suddenly he's hearing sounds from inside the projectile. Ogilvy tells Winchesters inhabitants about the mistery and together they walk on to the meadow to examine "the thing". The group of people suddenly becomes aware of a great danger. The cylinder is broken and outside the space ship two big aliens sit. When they recognise all the people the aliens becomes afraid and shoots with their lethal weapons. Many people are killed. For every day there are now landing more and more Mars human carriers all over the world and no one can stop them because of the marsians great weapons. But the humans are lucky. After only a few months the whole Mars invading force dies out, probably because of a virus has spread amongst them that human is resistable against. Earth has been pardoned. For this time. *********************************************** Denna recension är hämtat från SkolWeb Mer recensioner hittar du på LYCKA TILL MED RECENSIONEN!!